In this authentication tutorial covering ASP.NET Core and SignalR apps, we will explore how ASP.NET Core allows you to implement authentication using different schemes. We will start with cookie based authentication, discuss different authentication schemes followed by JWT Bearer tokens.Early on thi
安装 SignalR .NET client Nuget 包Install-Package Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Client连接SignalR Hub使用 HubConnectionBuilder 类并调用 Build方法与Signal R Hub 建立连接。在建立连接的同时,可以配置请求Header,Log level,协议类型(protocol),传输类型(transport type),等其它选项。设置好连接后使用StartAsync启动连接。using System;using System.Threading.Tasks;using System
定义ContractResolver ,继承 IContractResolverusing System;using System.Reflection;using Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization;using SignalR;namespace Loveboat.Configuration{ public class SignalRContractResolver : IContractResolver { private readonly Assembly _assembly; private readonly IContr
Server端: public class MyConnection : PersistentConnection { private static IConnection connection; public MyConnection() { connection = Connection; } public IConnection GetConnection() { return Connection; } protected
要从与Hub类不同的类中调用客户端方法,请获取Hub的SignalR上下文对象的引用,并使用它来调用客户端上的方法或管理组。The following sample StockTicker class gets the context object, stores it in an instance of the class, stores the class instance in a static property, and uses the context from the singleton class instance to call the updateStockPrice met
ASP.NET SignalR 是为 ASP.NET 开发人员提供的一个库,可以简化开发人员将实时 Web 功能添加到应用程序的过程。自动的适配提供websocket或者长轮询等方式来进行通讯。在开发的过程中,碰到如下错误:WebSocket connection to 'ws://*****' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET。由于还是可以使用,且当时以为是系统环境的原因,就放任没理 o(╯□╰)o。后来发现SignalR使用的是长轮询的方式,没有用到websocket。在项目需要优化时候,