Today there's no easy way in Web API to log or handle errors globally. Some unhandled exceptions can be processed via exception filters, but there are a number of cases that exception filters can't handle. For example: Exceptions thrown from controller constructors. Exceptions thrown from message ha
This article describes error and exception handling in ASP.NET Web API. HttpResponseException Exception Filters Registering Exception Filters HttpErrorHttpResponseExceptionWhat happens if a Web API controller throws an uncaught exception? By default, most exceptions are translated into an HTTP respo
.Net WebApi 默认接收单个参数是取自URL query string ,对象则是取自Request Body,不论对象包含一个属性还是多个属性。如果在Request Body中传递单个参数,在接口中接收的时候始终为空。解决方法也就是将此参数改变为一个单个属性的对象,使用这个对象作为接收参数的对象,再从对象中获取该参数。还有另外一种暴力的方式,则是使用JObject,结合[FromBody]特性。 [HttpPost] public Order QueryOrderInfo([FromBody]JObject json){ var ID =
本文代码仅为提供思路,代码并非完美。#region 上传图片///<summary>/// 上传图片到服务器 当error为0时成功,为1时失败 并从errmsg获取消息///</summary>///<returns>///</returns>public Task<Hashtable> post(){ String PhoneId = null; // 检查是否是 multipart/form-data if (!Request.Content.IsMimeMultipartContent("form-data"))
XMLHttpRequest 的同源策略看起来是如此的变态,即使是同一个公司的产品,也不可能完全在同一个域上面。还好,网络设计者在设计的时候考略到了这一点,可以在服务器端进行一些定义,允许部分网络访问。CORS 的全称是 Cross-Origin Resource Sharing,即跨域资源共享。他的原理就是使用自定义的 HTTP 头部,让服务器与浏览器进行沟通,主要是通过设置响应头的 Access-Control-Allow-Origin 来达到目的的。这样,XMLHttpRequest 就能跨域了。值得注意的是,正常情况下的 XMLHttpRequest 是只发送一次请求的,但是跨域问题下
One really nice feature of ASP.Net Web API is the automated documentation, however you might not always want to show all of your controllers or actions there. If don’t want a controller or action to show up there, put this attribute on the the controller or action:[ApiExplorerSettings(IgnoreApi = tr
For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been involved with a project which includes several sub-projects that will need to communicate with each other, and with a credit card processor ( In addition, other applications will call into this one to handle payment processing business logic.
在使用ef查询时如果使用AsNoTracking()返回有级联关系的对象且关联关系中数据不为空时,webapi action内执行没问题,但到了最终序列化为json时引发错误。本来使用NoTracking是为提升效率,结果却因为序列化这点小问题难道要被弃用么?查遍网络依然无解。试过了include(),与load()方法,均无效。最终发现问题在对象循环引用。使用忽略序列属性这个问题就算是解决了吧。
1.模型建立,在模型上类上添加System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations验证属性public class Product { public int Id { get; set; } [Required] public string Name { get; set; } public decimal Price { get; set; } [Range(0, 999)] public double Weight { get; set; } }2.在ApiController类中使用验证结果public HttpResponseMessage Post(Produc
在.Net MVC WebApi中默认使用了Newtonsoft.Json进行数据对象的序列化输出。但通常会遇到以下问题。下面给出相应的处理方式。 public static class WebApiConfig { public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config) { config.Routes.MapHttpRoute( name: "DefaultApi", routeTemplate: "api/{contr